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ONLINE Writing Lab Session for Night Owls


Isolated? Lonely? Writer's block too? How can quarantine get any worse? Welp, by not spending time with your community that's how!

But not here at WWBL. Nope. We're not going to let that happen. We heard the request of the community members and how much each of you are missing us. We know! Our community is pretty frickin' rad, and we miss you so much. The writing. The laughing. The sharing. The drinking one too many coffees (or beers!). We miss you too! So much so! That we are going digital!

We are going to be hosting a series of online/from the comfort of the couch/snuggled in pajamas writing lab sessions. Because we are all at home anyway, we thought we would introduce two kinds of lab sessions for the morning birds and for the night owls.

If you are interested in a lab session, please make sure to message Margherita Berlinerin for the Zoom invitation.

We cannot wait to reconnect with you!