Being stuck inside can be quite rough and being an isolated writer is hard enough. AND! It's a tragedy that such beauty has to be stuck inside while the flowers bloom and nature tempts us with her promises of sunshine. So, why not create some beauty and love ourselves?
Join us every SATURDAY AFTERNOON via Instagram Livestream where we platform the work of our fellow women* writers by having them read their work aloud to their enthusiastic fans.
We have so much brilliance in our community and so few opportunities to share it.
Interested in participating?
Feel free to reach out via our Event Manager Allia Sadeghipour (awerfjil) via FB/Insta. Be sure to provide the text you would be reading, a short bio, and your preferred social media tags.
Wanna watch and support your fellow writers?
Be sure to check out our Instagram Livestream every Saturday afternoon @wearewwbl.
Know of a fellow woman* writer who might be interested?
Connect us :D!