A Day of Discussions, Panels, and Workshops organised by Feminist Fiction Berlin and Women* Writing Berlin Lab e.V.


You’d look so much prettier if you smiled. You have a resting Bitch face. What do you have to be angry about? EVERYTHING! Capitalism, patriarchy, my ex, my delayed period war, injustice, and I want to RAGE.

Sounds relatable? Joins us on June 22 for a day of talking and learning about female rage and developing tools to process it. The event will include a panel discussion, writing workshop, boxing workshop, drama workshop and a Spoken Word RAGE Mic where everyone can express their rage.

The event is organised by Feminist Fiction Berlin and Women* Writing Berlin Lab e.V.



Let’s Talk about Rage in Literature

Workshop Hosts: Sophie Pownall, Faye Barth-Farkas and Allia Sadeghipour/12:00 - 13:00

“If ever there was a time not to silence yourself, to channel your anger into healthy places and choices, this is it.”
(Soraya Chemaly)

At the heart, Feminist Fiction Berlin is all about bringing all kinds of readers together. In our monthly book club meetings, we take the time to discuss one particular book. But when it comes to female rage - it’s really ‘the more, the merrier!” And! We’ve been compiling a list of books on the topic from nonfiction, to hard hitting contemporary, to translations and genre fiction.

This is your opportunity to talk about female rage in books. We will provide the reading material, excerpts and quotes on the day. Completing a book is never necessary to join in on our book discussions. (But keep your eyes open for lots of suggested reading as we prep for the day over on Instagram!)

Rage It Out! Creative Writing Workshop

Workshop Host: Allia Sadeghipour/14:00 - 15:00 & 16:00 - 17:00

Rage can be a hurricane, an explosion of cosmic force, and the build-up of daily and generational mistreatment, neglect, trauma, apathy, passivity, micro-aggressions, honestly, it doesn’t even matter! Because we have all the right to be raged up! Women*s rage is feared because it is a powerful tool for change, a voice for advocacy, a life altering perspective, and its forms are ubiquitous.

In this workshop for writers and dabblers of all interest levels, we will write out our rage, rip it apart, and make it into art. Through blackout poetry, journaling, and guided writing prompts, we will transform our rage and empower the voice hidden in the floodgate. Tap in, write it out, and release the floodgate of rage.

Who is the workshop for?

The workshop is for anyone looking to tap into their rage and release it in an empowering written art form. Workshop will be in English with translations available upon request. B1/B2 level English comprehension is recommended. We also speak multiple languages.

What will I need?

* Just your rage ;)

* Writing material will be provided!

The Roar Within: A Theatre Workshop on Rage and Its Forms

Workshop Host: Manoela de Silvia/ 14:00 - 15:00

Let’s dive into the transformative power of anger through theatre, using body, voice, and improv as our creative arsenal to remind us that rage is not just an outlet; it’s a revolution of self-discovery and collective empowerment that can fuel personal growth and communal strength.

Whether you’re a tempest in a teacup or a simmering storm, let’s turn that rage into a roar that resonates!

Dress comfortably and join Manoela Elias, theatre teacher and director, for this fun and fueled workshop.

Rage responsibly. Emote emphatically.

Boxing Workshop

Workshop Host: Faye Barth-Farkas/ 16:00 - 17:00

“Anger is loaded with information and energy.”
(Audre Lorde)

In this boxing workshop, we will find ways to feel, release and channel our rage. Together we will explore how we may choose to control or express our anger while boxing. Dress comfortably and aim to build up a bit of a sweat! You need no previous boxing experience, but a desire to punch through the patriarchy may help.

Faye is a psychologist and has instructed beginners and advanced boxing classes.

All fitness levels - All rage levels!

Rage Mic Spoke Word Night

Spoken Word Host: Allia Sadeghipour/ 19:00 - 21:30




Welcome to a night of RAGE. Raw, scandalous, hilarious and ironic, join your host Allia Sadeghipour (The Golden Dick) for a night of curated RAGE poetry, spoken word, drag and artistic performances representing the myriad of representations of RAGE. Let us no no longer curtail but UNVEIL the curtain behind RAGE.




  • This event is FLINTA only meaning open to all individuals identifying as women, to intersex, trans, non-binary and gender fluid individuals as well. We also welcome the +friends of FLINTA as long as they adhere to the Community Guidelines.

  • We encourage womxn of color, black womxn, womxn with disabilities, Asian womxn, womxn from the Global South, womxn coming from minorities, womxn of every religion, ethnicity, language, skin color, nationality to join our event :). And if we are forgetting to mention some categories, please just remember one thing: EVERY WOMAN* is welcome!! ♥

  • The WWBL Spoken Word Night is meant to be a safe space for women*'s voices and creativity. Therefore, we do not accept any form of hate speech, racist, homophobic, aphrophobic, and/or islamophobic jokes or expressions. There won't be space for any form of discriminating attitude or messages. We have enough hate in the world, let’s platform the beauty.

  • If you are going to talk about sensitive topics (rape, racism, violence, depression, suicide, experiences of abuse, sexual assault, etc. ...), please preface your performance with a trigger warning

  • WWBL events are meant to be as accessible as possible, we understand this also means financially. For this reason, we always offer discounted tickets


Meet the Force Behind

Dr. Faye Barth-Farkas

Co-Founder of Feminist Fiction Berlin & Boxing Workshop Leader

Dr. Faye Barth-Farkas is a psychologist and occasional boxing instructor. Her research topics include power structures and leadership in patriarchal organisations - so she is basically professionally angry! Half English, half German she calls Berlin her home and Feminist Fiction Berlin her coven.


Jessie Cato

WWBL Team & Spoken Word Artist

Jessie Cato is a human rights and climate activist originally from Naarm/Melbourne and now based in Berlin. Her writing explores quiet human rage and loud human errors. She volunteers with Women Writing Berlin Lab and also enjoys spending her time reading, writing, and drinking späti beers. 


Manoela Elias (She/Her)

Theater Workshop Leader

Manoela Elias is an italian/brazilian Theatre teacher and director currently based in Berlin, Master in Media, Communications and Critical Practice from UAL (University of the Arts London),, since 2016 the research of women's history and mythology has oriented her  work. You can find more about her work in portuguese at @minhamagia on sociais.


Sophie Pownall

Co-Founder of Feminist Fiction Berlin

Sophie (she/her) is the Co-Founder of Feminist Fiction Berlin and runs an intersectional feminist bookblog on Instagram and Tiktok (@intersectionalbookshelf). Sophie works as a Project Manager at edeos-digital education and has experiences working in security and foreign policy as well as the Jewish heritage field. She completed her MA in European studies where she focused mainly on intersectional feminism.


Luisa Carmen Rodriguez-Oei

Writer, Filmmaker, Performance artist & Spoken Word Artist

Luisa Carmen Rodriguez-Oei (they/she/he, also known as Prince Valentino Lacrimosa) is a writer, filmmaker and performance artist living in Berlin. Rodriguez holds a Bachelor's degree from Wesleyan University in Theater, Spanish and French. As an Asian Latine nonbinary person growing up in the US, they are fascinated by the intersections of language, identity, and performance. In 2022-2023, Rodriguez-Oei worked in France as an English teaching assistant, where they also began performing drag. Now, in Berlin, they continue their exploration of performance, writing and filmmaking. 

@lulacarmen @valentino.lacrimosa

Elba Quintero

Vice President & Public Relations Manager, Panel Speaker & Spoken Word Artist

Elba is a Guadalajara-born, Berlin-based poet and photographer and the vice president & public relations manager of the Women* Writing Berlin Lab e.V.. Her work revolves around migration, feminism, mental health, inclusion, the experience of a conscious state, and the city of Berlin. She works as a copywriter in health tech.


Allia Sadeghipour (aka The Golden Dick)

President, Producer, Performer, Artist & Educator, Panel Speaker, Workshop Leader & Spoken Word Artist

Allia Sadeghipour (she/they), aka the Golden Dick (he/him), is a Queer Iranian-American president of the Women* Writing Berlin Lab e.V., Drag King, producer, performer, artist, educator, punk & poet. Having been published in What’s Afghan Punk Rock Anyway?!, Teach the Rainbow: Insights from LGBTeachers about Queer Visibility, and Salty World, and performed for Pop-Kultur, SO36, Viva Con Aqua, Refuge Worldwide, and many more. By sharing narratives and perspectives, she hopes to reach out to the world and introduce them to hers.

@awerfjil #awerfjil

Mari Zakaryan

Treasurer & Platforming & Grant Fund Director

Mari Zakaryan is a doodling, journaling, traveler and lover of treasures. When she’s not exploring the world, she likes to volunteer her time helping nonprofit organizations with financial insight. With a background in business development and process management in Berlin startup industry, Mari hopes to establish economic support for women’s voices through WWBL‘s projects and kick off creative projects with the team.

@wearewwbl @feminist.fiction.berlin @frieda_frauenzentrum

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