Poetry: This is What I Have, and It’s Beautiful.

By: Elba Quintero

A polaroid of us in the Adriatic Sea

A medium postcard of that painting we saw in Museo del Prado

A picture of the dog that we both loved so much and miss terribly

A plant that seems to be happy with the place we gave her because now it has a new leaf

A painting of Saturn biting his kid’s head off

A table that we both put together and I can’t wait to have sex in to truly test it

A speaker that plays 80% the music you like but that’s fine because I love you

A pair of windows that lets lots of light in

A couch where our guests can sleep in

A couple of lame light bulbs hanging from the deserted sealing

A set of photographs of an art installation we went to see last year

A gray empty vase

A mess in our kitchen

A plan to paint our walls black

A fridge where we can put our Bauhaus magnets

A black old oven where we’ll cook at least 200 frozen pizzas

A bunch of books that you’ve arranged in such a strange way that you can’t explain it to me

A black porcelain skull that took you 2 days to realize it was there

A pranking system based in our Spotify listening algorithm

A 19 year-long story that I love to tell

A sense of entitlement to be whatever I want to be because that’s also what you want me to be

A very intense level of intellectual connection

A blueprint that explains how it was being us

because they will want to know

because it’s us

because we’re here

and it’s beautiful.


If you’d like to submit your own poetry (5 poems per submission, 400 word limit) , or flash fiction or prose (3 pieces per submission, 600 word limit), please send them to wwblsubmissions@gmail.com with the amount and type of submission. This is unpaid. No simultaneous submissions.

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