That was Last Week

By: Rasa P.

That time of year. I mean Christmas. It’s come and gone now, another year in our memories. When I look at the facts about the holiday, I don’t feel overwhelmed with happy feelings. Rather, I feel confused about how anyone can feel connected to this holiday in a genuine way, since so much of our concept of it is just plain false. Christmas has nothing to do the birth of Jesus Christ. December 25th was announced as the birth of Jesus by the Christian convert Emperor Constantine in 336 AD and covered the pagan celebration of the Winter Solstice. Secondly, our modern idea of Santa Claus was heavily influenced by a Coca-Cola commercial. Parents, of course, tell a yearly white lie to their children about how he comes down the chimney and leaves presents under the Christmas tree. This, for me, is part of the falseness of the holiday that I take personally. When I found out that my parents were the ones who buy the presents, I was really disappointed by non-existence of miracles.

      I’ve experimented with different ways to celebrate Christmas over the years. One year, I ignored it and just didn’t celebrate at all. Another year, I decided not to buy presents. Once, I celebrated with people who were basically total strangers for me. Another time, I went to one of the Canary Islands with my partner. Finally, I gave up. Even knowing all that jazz about Christmas, I’m actually perfectly happy with running around the shops to buy gifts, buying expensive flights home, then once there, eating like I live in a famine, and feel fat and ugly afterward. Because it’s that time of year. If I’m completely honest with myself, my willingness and decision to simply celebrate (despite the reality) is about escaping from grown up life, with its many challenges and constant, unavoidable reality. Waking up at my parent’s house and running to get presents in the morning, as if time turned back and there are no worries in the whole universe besides playing. I honestly love to get presents. And if the rule is to give (and spend some time to find something special for that person) in order to get, I’m happy to suspend my knowledge of reality for that.