Poetry: Red Womb Woman

By: Jen Bennett

heavy womb on this full moon,

feeling the push and pull in my muscles

like the high tide waves on the full moon shore;

red womb woman,

sinking into the sensation, full and heavy,

just like the fullness of the moon

embracing the fullness of the womb.

changing and adapting the way I move, feel, think,

allowing the full moon to rest into the womb,

letting the feelings float down and sink.

allowing space to release, let go and rest.

I listen to the womb, she knows what she needs best.


Jen is a mum, yoga and meditation teacher, and former mental-health nurse from the UK now living in Berlin. Since writing for her school newsletter at age fourteen, she has had a passion for writing about topics including health and wellbeing, music and book reviews, current affairs, and poetry. She runs a personal blog about learning to cultivate the art of zen amidst the bustle of city life. You can find her on social media @unzeninthecity and visit her at https://msha.ke/zenwithjenberlin.

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